Istanbul University of Technology

March 21, 2025
Action I. Cooperative small

Keynote Speakers

1. Dominique Guellec,
Head for the Science and tech plan Division (STP), OECD Directorate for Science, tech and Innovation.

Dominique Guellec is Head regarding the OECD's Science and Technology plan Division (STP), produced on 12 April 2010. STP is in charge of co-ordinating the analysis of country-specific home elevators user and non-member nations across the Directorate. This notably includes the OECD Reviews of Innovation plan, the STI Outlook, the web-based development Policy Platform (IPP) and work regarding innovation for development. Mr Guellec joined up with the OECD in 1995 and has now worked in Statistics Directorate and Directorate for Science, tech and Innovation on data and quantitative financial analysis of analysis and development, development and growth. From 2004-05, Mr Guellec was Chief Economist of European Patent workplace (Munich). Mr Guellec has authored a number of publications and lots of articles on patents, innovation, and economic growth. Before joining the OECD, Mr Guellec worked at INSEE (Paris), where he was responsible successively of temporary analysis and forecast on outside trade, and of surveys and evaluation of development and development.

2. Prof. Dr. Stefan Schepers,
Secretary-general Higher Level Group on EU Innovation Plan Management

Stefan Schepers features above three decades of professional expertise in European general public and corporate matters. From the public governance side, he's acted as director-general of EIPA (the European Institute of Public Administration) and as consultant into the EU Commission and specific governments. Regarding the corporate side, as a consultant to and mediator for leading international companies and trade associations, focusing on lasting value creation and profitability.

EIPA founded by the European Council in 1981 to build up policy analysis and guidance for EU establishments also to facilitate collaboration between nationwide governance methods, offered him deep ideas into the complex drivers of associate shows' plan objectives therefore the performance regarding the EU institutions. Whilst establishing EIPA, he discovered to do business with them all and to comprehend the interacting with each other between community policy, economic passions and societal paradigma.

He is the secretary-general of this advanced Group on Innovation plan control, an unbiased, tripartite and temporary initiative launched because of the European Union in December 2011, was tasked to elaborate recommendations on how exactly to develop Europe's innovation plan.

Stefan Schepers, a Belgian nationwide, holds Master degrees in Law (University of Leuven, Belgium) plus in European Studies (University of Strasbourg, France), and a PH.D. in Political Science (University of Edinburgh, Great Britain). He is a member of various professional organisations and, in 2008, he was elected as a Member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences.

3. Prof. Dr. Stefano Fanti,
Director of Bologna University Specialty Class of Nuclear Medication
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