ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations to Duke University's Yossra Hamid and Amari El-Amin who were awarded a Turkish Coalition of America Scholarship for the Duke in Istanbul program. For more information on this scholarship, please see our Estimated Costs page.
In regards to the system
Duke in Istanbul, based at strikingly beautiful campus of Boğaziçi University, presents social, historical and religious issues appearing at the intersection of European countries while the center East, with certain focus on the unique position of Turkey within the global context. Students just take one course with the Duke system manager and one program in Turkish language. The remaining two courses are electives chosen through the divisions of hiistory, viewpoint, sociology, anthropology, business economics and governmental research, and others. The language of instruction on institution is English, so no past Turkish language study is required. Pupils inhabit the institution's newest dormitory, the Superdorm. Along with time trips for the span of the semester, this system features one or more weeklong trip outside Istanbul.