Forms of degree establishments:
Üniversite (University)
Teknik Üniversite (Specialized University)
Meslek Yüksekokulu (Vocational Schools)
Enstitü (Institute)
Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü (Higher Institute of Tech)
School-leaving and higher education credentials:
Lise Diplomasi
Önlisans Diplomasi
Diş Hekimligi Diplomasi
Lisans Diplomasi
Tip Doktorlugu Diplomasi
Veteriner Hekim Diplomasi
Bilim Uzmanligi Diplomasi
Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi
Bilim Doktorlugu Diplomasi
Doktora Diplomasi
Sanatta Yeterlik Diplomasi
Tipta Uzmanlik Belgesi
Pre-higher training:
Duration of compulsory knowledge:
Age entry: 6
Age exit: 13
Framework of school system:
Sort of school providing this education: fundamental Education School
Period of system in years: 8
Age amount from: 6 to: 14
Certificate/diploma awarded: Ilköğretim Diplomasi (Fundamental Education Diploma)
Types of school supplying this knowledge: Genel Lise, Meslek Lisesi, Teknik Lise (General, Vocational and Specialized High Schools)
Period of system in many years: 3
Age amount from: 14 to: 17
Certificate/diploma awarded: Lise Diplomasi
School training:
The age of entry to college is six or seven. Since 1997, secondary training employs eight many years of fundamental training and covers basic, vocational and technical large schools that offer 3 or 4 many years of education. General high schools cannot prepare pupils for a particular career but rather for degree. These institutions are considered to fall within general additional education: high schools; high schools with intensive language teaching; Anatolian large schools in which a foreign language - English, French or German - is taught during the preparatory 12 months additionally the training of specific subjects is provided in that language in top grades; technology high schools; teacher training large schools; Anatolian good arts schools; multi-curricula high schools; evening high schools; and private high schools. In general large schools, the typical quantity of regular durations of training in each class varies from no less than 33 to at the most 41. Inside their second year, pupils in high schools where in fact the general programme is applied might want to go to branches which concentrate on the normal sciences, literary works and math, the social sciences, international languages, art or real training.Vocational large schools offer three-year secondary knowledge, train skilled people for assorted professions and in addition prepare students for higher education. Specialized large schools provide a four-year programme. Subjects available in initial year are the same like in the vocational large schools. Secondary knowledge students receive the Lise Diplomasi the requirement for entry to raised knowledge. Admission to university is centralized and in line with the Beginner Selection Examination (ÖSS). By Summer 2003, prospects need get no less than 160, 000 things (formerly 105, 000 points) to-be entitled to enrol in two-year vocational higher education and open/distance training programs and no less than 185, 000 points (previously 120, 000 things) for all four-year undergraduate programmes into the Student Selection Examination (ÖSS). 185, 000 and 160, 000 things respectively correspond to 120 and 105 associated with previous ÖSS rating types. The utmost ÖSS score should be 300 as from 2003.
Higher education is provided by 53 state universities, including 2 greater institutes of technology, and 24 fundamentals (personal universities). The supreme expert for regulation of advanced schooling could be the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), which will be a totally independent national board of trustees with no governmental or government affiliation. The Interuniversity Council is made of the rectors of all the universities and something user chosen because of the Senate of every university. Universities, traits...