Middle East Technical University 06800 Ankara TURKEY

September 11, 2020
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Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Birand

Center East Specialized University, Department of Biological Sciences, 06800 Ankara/TURKEY

Workplace Room: 248

Tel: +90 312 210 6487


E - Mail: birand[-at-]metu.edu.tr


Education: Ph.D. in Biology, minor level in Mathematical Sciences
Department of Biology and
Division of Mathematical Sciences
New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, NM)
2003 - 2008

M.S. in Biology
Division of Biological Sciences
Center East Technical University (Ankara, Chicken)
1996 - 1999

B.S. in Biology
Division of Biological Sciences
Middle East Specialized University (Ankara, Turkey)
1992 - 1996

Analysis Interest: My research lies during the software of ecology and evolutionary biology. I use mathematical models and computer system simulations to handle some of the available concerns on the go.

Information of research activities: Our lab is enthusiastic about ecological or evolutionary concerns that people can compose equations, or some code for.

Selected Publications:

Birand, A., Vose, A. and S. Gavrilets (2012) Patterns of types ranges, speciation, and extinction. US Naturalist. 179(1):1-21. (supplements)

Birand, A. and D. J. Howard (2008) the connection between proportion of endemics and species variety on islands: objectives from a null design. Ecography. 31(2): 286-288.

Traylor, T., Birand, A*. Marshall, J. L. and D. J. Howard (2008) a zone of overlap and hybridization between Allonemobius socius and a Allonemobius spp. Annals of Entomological Society of The united states. 101(1):30-39 (*Corresponding writer).

Pawar, S.S., Birand, A., Ahmed, F. M., Sengupta, S. and T. R. S. Raman (2007) Conservation biogeography in Northeast Asia: hierarchical analysis of cross-taxon distributional congruence. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:53-65.

Birand, A. and S. Pawar (2004) An ornithological review in north-east Asia. Forktail 20: 7-16.

Graduate system affiliation: Ecology, Advancement

Source: bio.metu.edu.tr
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